
Monday, October 24, 2011

Celebrating Steve: Event Video Now Available

Apple has made available the video archive of its internal event on October 19, 2011 celebrating the life of Steve. Apple stores worldwide closed momentary to allow its retail employees to participate in the event via live cast.

Go to this site on Apple to watch the event while still available. The event was hosted by Tim Cook, the new Apple CEO. Al Gore and Jony Ive were among those who gave their speeches about Steve. Steve's wife, Laurene was there too. I think the performance of Bob Dylan's Song "Forever Young" by Norah Jones was especially moving. Besides the fact that Steve was a big fan of Bob Dylan, the lyrics of the song was simply poignant.

A side note: while not that many readers here use Chrome, I found that the video was not accessible on the Google's browser. I have no idea why, but you shall have no problem using desktop or mobile versions of Safari to see the video.