The "Get Info" window is one true hidden gem in Mac OS X. One of the features you will find in Get Info is an option called "Stationery Pad", which basically allows you to create a template out of virtually any file. You can imagine how useful this will be, especially if you always have to create new documents using the same style and formatting, or do calculations in Excel with the same old set of predefined formulas and cell relationships.
Opening the "Get Info" window
You can select any file and type command+i to bring up its "Get Info" window. For more details on working with this and the related commands, see
It's about getting the right info.
Creating a template out of any file
To turn a file into a template, just select the "Stationery Pad" option in the Get Info window. Unfortunately, there is no visual sign on the file icon telling you that a file has been turn into a "Stationery Pad".

Using "Stationery Pad" files
The next time you double click to open a file marked as "Stationery Pad", the program responsible for this file will actually open a new untitled file but with all the content in "Stationery Pad" file. If you do a "Save" command, you will save a new file while leaving the original file untouched. How great!
Yet another Mac tip is on the web!