Boot Camp does it all
As Windows XP is built for the x86 architecture, it should naturally run well on the Intel Mac --that is if other compatibility issues like hardware drivers are overcome. That's precisely what Boot Camp (Beta) does.
Boot Camp is basically a one-stop-shop tool to help Mac users wishing to run Windows XP on Mac to get things done as easily as possible. It helps you create a new partition on harddisk to house Windows XP without affecting your Mac OS X, and even burns a CD containing the hardware drivers so that you can install them in Windows XP later.
When everything is set up properly, all you need is to hold the option key when starting the machine and the system will prompt you to choose which operating system to launch.
For a complete instruction on using Boot Camp, check out Apple's Boot Camp Guide
Alternatively, you can see a video demo of Boot Camp at You Tube
A real buzz generator
If you happen to scout around the Web for news and comments surrounding this new tool from Apple, you may find equally extreme yet completely opposite opinions, like the death of Mac OS X and the death of Windows. Take your pick.Personally, I think this isn't really as big a change in the Mac world. First of all, those who enjoy Mac OS X will stick to Mac OS X, while those who have needed Windows for whatever reasons will still install a copy of Windows alongside Mac OS X -- only to bypass the Virtual PC for the first time in history. However, it sure will entice Mac users who happen to be active gamers to try out Boot Camp, as most of the major game titles are still Windows-only.