Today I took a trip down to the local Apple Store here in Houston Galleria, and saw this remarkable scene.
Looking at the eulogy written allover the window on Post-it® Notes
, I found Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, English, and many other languages. As you can see in the pictures above, there is even one coming from the Andriod nation.
I stood at the window for a few minutes just to see the reactions of the mall goers. Sure enough, many people were curious about what was going on, and someone would whisper "It's for Steve Jobs". People were spontaneously picking up the blank Post-it® Notes
and pens left by others to write something of their own to add to the wall. Flowers were laying before the storefront. As cynical as I could be, I must say, this phenomenon was genuine; it goes on to show how much of a cultural impact Steve has on this generation. If you want to hear more about how people reacted, I suggest watching the 10/5/2011 episode of Buzz Out Loud.
No sign points to when this public display of mourning will end. Eventually, Apple will begin stopping people from "decorating" their austerely styled stores, but the company itself is still in the mourning phase and most likely will allow the public to express themselves this way for a little while longer.
Business As Usual
Inside the store, things aren't any different. Tomorrow the demo units of iPhone 4S will be on display, and I wonder if there will be a line of fans here in Houston, eagerly waiting to bring home their new best friend named Siri.